You Can Treat And Control Seborrheic Dermatitis
Dermatitis, also called eczema, is a huge problem for a lot of people. It comes in many forms and can affect any part of your body. Dematitis can be a short-term immediate problem, like a reaction to a new detergent, but it can also be a long-term issue, like with seborrheic dermatitis.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
While this form of dermatitis usually affects the scalp, it can also affect any oily part of the body, including your face and eyebrows. Unlike what some people might think, you don't get this disease because you don't wash your face or hair enough and no one else can get it from you.
Signs of Seborrheic Dermatitis
There are several signs that the rash or problems you are having with your scalp is seborrheic dermatitis. One is that the skin is red. Over that red skin you may have scales that are yellow or white and look greasy. There may also be a crust on top of those scales. The scales will probably be easy to remove when you scratch at them. While they aren't necessarily itchy, you may have problems with the area itching or even stinging.
Home Treatments of Seborrheic Dermatitis
While this condition isn't curable, and is something you will have to deal with your entire life, you can easily control it and avoid flareups. There are a few things that you can do at home to handle it. Since it mostly happens in your hair, most things you can do at home include using kinds of medicated shampoos. Something like a tar shampoo or one with salicylic acid can really help with seborrhic dermatitis. If you use them a couple of times a week, they should cut down on the flakes. Avoiding washing your hair daily can also help. It can dry your scalp out too much.
Medical Treatments of Seborrheic Dermatitis
If you see a doctor about your dermatitis, there are several medical treatments they can give you. One is to use an anti-fungal treatment. That may include an oral medication that you take once or twice. It may also include an ointment that you can rub into the affected areas. The topical treatment is more likely to happen if the dermatitis takes place somewhere other than your hair. You may also get a prescription strength medicated shampoo. The medications in these shampoos are different than what you can get at the store. The ingredients could include hydrocortisone to help control the itchiness and inflammation.
If you have a severely itchy scalp or you notice that you have these flakes, you should go see a dermatologist about it. They can diagnose it and help you understand the condition better. Click to find out more with a dermatologist.