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Dealing With Untreated Dizziness Or Vertigo? A Hearing Exam May Help

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Dizziness is known for being difficult to treat. That's partly because dizziness is such a subjective symptom. Some people say they feel dizzy when they are lightheaded or shaky, while others are referencing true vertigo or an unbalanced sensation. Fortunately, hearing tests can help you pinpoint the root cause of your dizziness so you can get some much-needed relief. Talk to your doctor about hearing exams for symptoms like dizziness and vertigo.

Why should you consider scheduling a hearing test if you have dizziness?

Dizziness often stems from the ears. Hearing tests can measure both the inner ear and auditory nerve function to determine whether any physical abnormalities are potentially causing your dizziness. During a hearing test, a doctor or audiologist will examine your ears with a tool called an otoscope to look for signs of infection or inflammation. This is a relatively quick process that should not hurt.

Your medical team may also use tuning forks, sound generators, and other specialized equipment to evaluate your hearing. These hearing tests measure your ability to differentiate tones and frequencies that could indicate an inner ear issue is behind your dizziness.

Hearing exams can also help diagnose other causes of dizziness, such as poor circulation or nerve damage. Hearing tests are especially helpful for diagnosing vestibular disorders, which often cause dizziness and vertigo. A doctor might ask you to perform certain balance tests to gain a better understanding of your symptoms.

What happens if issues are found during hearing exams?

If any hearing or other medical issues are detected during your hearing tests, you can work with your doctor to develop a treatment plan. This treatment plan should help reduce or even eliminate your dizziness. Depending on the severity of your condition, this treatment plan could include medications, physical therapy exercises, and lifestyle changes. Scheduling regular hearing exams can also help doctors monitor your condition and ensure any recommended treatments are working as well as they should.

Overall, hearing tests can be an important part of managing dizziness or vertigo. Hearing exams are noninvasive and generally painless, so they provide a great way to identify the root cause of some balance problems. Make sure you talk to your doctor about getting a hearing test if you're having symptoms like dizziness or vertigo because you deserve a dizzy-free life. With the right diagnosis and treatment, you can start to enjoy symptom relief and improved balance soon. Learn more about hearing exams by contacting a professional service near you.
