Three Things To Do Before Breast Augmentation Surgery
Whether you are considering breast augmentation surgery for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes, there are a few things you'll need to do to prepare for your procedure. With the proper planning, you can ensure a more comfortable experience and allow for a supportive recovery period. Here are some things you should consider doing before your procedure.
Baseline Mammogram
Your physician may ask that you undergo a mammogram before your breast augmentation surgery. This may be able to identify any abnormalities in the breasts that should be addressed before surgery, and it provides the surgeon with an image of the breast before the surgical procedure. In some cases, mammography may be more difficult after augmentation surgery due to the positioning of the implants. This makes a baseline mammogram a helpful tool for your primary care physician to have access to at a later date. If your breast augmentation surgery is part of reconstruction after a mastectomy, your oncologist will be able to provide you with any information you need about mammograms and follow-up care for your cancer treatment.
Work Arrangements
The amount of time you'll need to recover may depend on the type of work you do as well as your body's own response to the procedure. You should consider taking some time off of work in advance so you have plenty of time to recover from the procedure. Talk to your surgeon about your expected recovery time, and think about taking a couple of extra vacation days from work, if possible. This gives you a bit more time to get back to your normal self before returning to work. Be sure to fill out any paperwork your employer requires for paid or unpaid time off before the procedure.
Arrange For Help
You should have someone available to drive you to and from the surgical center on the day of your procedure. You may want to have a friend or relative stay with you for at least the first day and night after you arrive home from surgery. You may need help with dressing, lifting small items and preparing your own meals. Having a loved one with you can help you feel more comfortable, and your helper can arrange to fill prescriptions and ensure you take the proper dosage of pain medication as you recover.
Your surgeon will be able to discuss the procedure with you at length before you have surgery, so be prepared to ask as many questions as possible. Once you have discussed the surgery with your doctor and made the proper preparations, you will be ready for your procedure. Contact a Suburban Plastic Surgeon for more information.