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Getting Ready For Gastric Sleeve Surgery

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If your gastric sleeve surgery is coming up, then you're probably getting quite excited! This procedure can truly be life-changing, allowing you to shed stubborn pounds and keep them off more effectively than ever before. But it's important to remember gastric sleeve surgery is still surgery. And as with most surgeries, if you want the recovery to go smoothly, it's best to spend a little time and effort preparing. Here are some key ways to prepare.

Start eating a healthy, high-protein

Some bariatric surgeons prescribe their patients a specific diet to follow prior to gastric sleeve surgery. If your doctor has prescribed such a diet, make sure you follow it as closely as possible. The goal of this diet is not just to help you lose weight. It's to ensure that you are as healthy as possible going into the surgery, which will reduce your risk of side effects. If your doctor does not prescribe a specific diet, you should focus on eating as healthfully as you can. Eat plenty of protein-rich foods along with fruits and veggies.

Buy comfortable, loose clothing

The incisions from gastric sleeve surgery can make it uncomfortable to wear tighter, constrictive clothing for a couple of weeks. Plus, after surgery, you'll be dropping pounds faster than you can even imagine, which means your current clothing won't fit for long. It's a good idea to buy a couple of comfortable, loose outfits in two or three different sizes so you can get through the first month or two after surgery without having to walk around a store.

Stock up on stool softeners

For the first two or three weeks after surgery, passing stool may be difficult due to the incision and the surgical changes to your digestive tract. Most doctors will recommend taking stool softeners to alleviate constipation at this time, so make sure you have a bottle or two in your cabinet.

Look over your post-op meal plans, and go shopping

Talk to your doctor about what you will and will not be able to eat in the weeks following surgery. Make sure you buy foods that are on the "can eat" list so that you are not tempted to eat something you shouldn't. Eating certain foods won't just make you uncomfortable; it could really slow your healing. You'll need to take your post-surgery dietary guidelines seriously, and that's easiest to do when you have the right foods.

If you complete these tasks, you'll be ready to face your gastric sleeve procedure head-on! Good luck.
