While some people find snowboarding a thrilling winter sport, the activity doesn’t come without the risk of injury. If you’re a novice snowboarder, you may find yourself lying in the snow more often than you’d like.
Although a fall from a snowboard or a collision with another snowboarder can end with a wrist sprain or fracture, broken collarbone, shoulder injury, fractured tailbone, or even a concussion, a knee injury can occur as well.…
As people get older, they may require cataract surgery. It gets very confusing for older people when suddenly they can’t see properly anymore. If you’re taking care of a relative who is experiencing vision change that is described as cloudiness in the eyes, make an appointment with an ophthalmologist, such as one at The Eye Center, to have tests done. Some of the symptoms of glaucoma, another eye condition, are similar to cataract symptoms.…
If you are wondering whether or not medical cannabis is something you should look into for your ailments, then you want to educate yourself on it. Medical cannabis can be purchased in different forms and used for different illnesses and conditions. The first thing you want to do is to make sure it is legal for use in the state you live in. Once you verify this, then you will need to get a card to become a legal user.…
Hormone replacement therapy is a form of therapy utilized by those that are currently undergoing menopause. It can alleviate a lot of the symptoms that coincide with menopause, including vaginal dryness and hot flashes, and can even work towards preventing issues that develop in tandem with menopause, like osteoporosis. You may have a few questions about hormone replacement therapy (or HRT); read on, and you will have a few answers to those questions.…
When you get diagnosed with a new condition, finding support can make a big difference in your overall health. With diseases that are more rare, such as dupuytren’s contracture and ledderhose disease, you may learn about new treatment therapies, and coping skills by meeting with a support group. It can be very stressful when you are newly diagnosed, and finding others that are dealing with the same disease or something similar can be very affirming.…
Aerobics is all about getting your heart rate up, which is crucial for both burning calories and for getting a quality workout. But if you suffer from muscle aches and pains or if you have some sort of physical disability, it can be impossible to engage in regular aerobic workouts. However, there is an alternative exercise that can get your heart rate up and running without having any impact on your sore muscles: deep water aerobics.…
If one of your children gets infected with head lice, it becomes easier for the entire family to contract the lice. Lice can get from one head to another through pillows, using the same brushes, and when heads are too close in proximity when one person has lice. If you get the dreaded call from the school nurse that one of your children has lice, you will need to act quickly to make sure that nobody else contracts lice inside of your house.…
Urinary health problems can be extremely uncomfortable, and urinary tract infections are among the more common issues that patients may experience. However, many individualsare poorly informed about this medical problem. Once you have learned the following few common questions and answers, you will likely find that you are much better informed about this type of urinary health issue.
What Are The Symptoms That You Are Suffering From A UTI?
There can be an assortment of symptoms that you are suffering from a urinary tract infection, but some of the more common will involve a burning sensation when you urinate.…
When you’re diagnosed with urinary incontinence, you’re likely to hear mention of Kegel exercises. Knowing what Kegel exercises are and how they can help you manage your urinary incontinence can help you regain control of your bladder.
What are Kegel exercises?
Kegel exercises are an activity that can help people who suffer from urinary incontinence. Kegel exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor.
Where and how can you perform Kegel exercises?…
If you have a loved one who is in an assisted living facility, you’ll want to make sure that they are receiving the best care possible. While the nursing staff does their best to keep your family member safe and free from bed sores, there are a few things you can do to help augment their care. Here are three interventions that may help reduce the risk of pressure ulcers if your loved one is in a nursing facility:…