If you have reoccurring problems with your gout and you’re looking for answers, you may want to talk with your specialist about participating in a gout study. There are many different benefits that you will experience if you’re willing to give your time. If you are tired of missing work and delaying your life because of your gout, medical research may be your only answer.
The medical experts have to study gout and different cases so they can learn if new treatments are effective, so they can see different reactions to a variety of medications, and so they can make progress with the condition.…
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Are you suffering from pain in your Achilles tendon? It can be a frustrating injury. You may feel a burst of pain every time you take a step. If you haven’t suffered a tear in the Achilles, then your pain is likely the result of Achilles tendinitis. You get tendinitis when a particular tendon suffers an extreme amount of stress or pressure in a limited amount of time. The tendon can then become inflamed, tear, and even form scar tissue.…
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Glaucoma is a type of eye condition where there is extra pressure on the eye. This can lead to vision loss and eventual blindness due to the damage the pressure causes on the optic nerve. While it is more common among older adults, children can also get glaucoma. It is called infantile glaucoma for infants and toddlers, or juvenile glaucoma for children and teens. Here is more information about childhood glaucoma.…
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