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Why Is Topical Chemotherapy Used On Some Skin Cancers?

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If you’ve been diagnosed with skin cancer, then your oncologist will choose a treatment that matches the type of cancer you have, its spread, and its severity. While some skin cancers require surgery or regular chemotherapy treatments, some need local treatments such as topical chemotherapy. What is topical chemotherapy and why is it your oncologist’s treatment of choice? What can you expect from your course of treatment? What Is Topical Chemotherapy?…

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Urinary Incontinence Types And Treatment Options

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If you’ve ever wondered why you leak a small amount of urine sometimes while laughing, this may be due to urinary incontinence. There are a few different types of urinary incontinence, but it is common amongst both men and women.  What Is Urinary Incontinence? Urinary incontinence occurs when someone is unable to stop the leakage of urine.  Urinary incontinence is most common with the following: Older adults Those who have experienced menopause Those who have gone through childbirth Types of Urinary Incontinence…

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Is It Time To Go For A Hearing Aid Test?

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Do you find the need to adjust your TV volume up to the point other people complain it is too loud? Hearing loss creeps up unnoticed, but the results are disastrous. It makes a person less sociable and can lead to feelings of isolation. Unfortunately, many people who are suffering from hearing loss do not realize it. They also do not realize their hearing loss is treatable using a hearing aid.…

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