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3 Examples Of Serious Skiing Injures And How To Prevent Them

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Whether you are an avid skier or an amateur one, there are numerous potential injuries that you should be aware of. Some of them are more serious than others, but there are measures you can’t take to reduce the risk of all skiing injuries. Three Serious Injuries Fractures Fractures, particularly on the limbs, are common injuries with victims of skiing accidents. For example, you may fracture your hand if you instinctively reach out with it to stop your fall during a skiing accident.…

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3 Ways To Get Cheap Healthcare Without Insurance

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If you’re one of the 12.2 percent of Americans who are uninsured, finding affordable healthcare can be a serious challenge. With the typical adult physical exam running $200 to $240, according to Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Massachusetts, getting even the most basic of services is tough. But there are ways to reduce the cost – these tips will help you find the medical care you need without breaking the bank:…

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4 Signs You Need to See an Ophthalmologist

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If you have been on the fence about whether or not you should see an ophthalmologist, there are a few definitive signs that you should see one immediately. If you have been hesitating, here is a look at the signs that you definitely need to see an eye doctor. You’re Squinting If you have to squint to read books, magazines, the newspaper, computers or road signs while driving this is a big sign that the time has come for you to visit the ophthalmologist.…

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