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Not Just For Older Women: Understanding Uterine Prolapse And How It Can Happen To Women At Any Age

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When you hear about uterine prolapse, you may think it’s a condition that only post-menopausal or older women have to worry about. While it’s true that many women who experience uterine prolapse do fit into those categories, young women are not exempt from developing the condition. What is uterine prolapse? Prolapse of the uterus occurs when the pelvic floor becomes weak. This is typically the result of stretched and weakened ligaments and muscles.…

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Dental Tips: Eating Out While Keeping Your Oral Health In Mind

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Eating out is a treat that many people enjoy for several reasons, like not having to cook or clean up, but going out to eat does not always help your oral health. Yet, you do not have to worry about that anymore, as you could eat out and keep your teeth in good health with the following guide. What To Stay Away From The first thing you should avoid is feeding the bacteria responsible for dental ailments, like cavities or tooth sensitivity.…

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FAQs About Overdentures

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If you have missing teeth, you have several options available for dealing with them. One popular option that you and your dentist can explore is the installation of an overdenture. Before deciding on an overdenture, here is what you need to know.  What Is an Overdenture? An overdenture is a combination of dental implants and dentures. You might have to undergo more than one procedure to have the overdenture properly implanted.…

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