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3 Conditions A CT Scan Can Detect

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Today, there seems to be an infinite number of methods out there to help detect medical conditions. Many illnesses and ailments can be detected earlier than ever before thanks to new developments in technology. One of the most common methods for photographing inside the body and detecting internal problems is a computed tomography (CT) scan. Keep reading to learn more about the CT scan, along with three conditions that this method is most effective in detecting.…

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2 Procedures Your Doctor Might Recommend If You Have Glaucoma

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If you have been told that you have glaucoma in your eyes, that can be a stressful thing to deal with. You might be vaguely aware that you will need some surgery in order to decrease the pressure in your eye from all the fluid buildup that is making it difficult for you to see, but you might not know anything other than that. Here are some surgical procedures that your eye doctor might recommend to you.…

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3 Ways To Increase Your Chances Of Having A Healthy Pregnancy

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Pregnancy is a very exciting time of life. Many women look forward to the day when they will be able to experience the miracle of life. But that doesn’t mean that it is without its challenges. Sadly, many women experience complications throughout their pregnancies. Although some of these problems are unavoidable, there are still some general things that you can do to keep yourself safe. Here are some suggestions. 1. Don’t Delay Pregnancy…

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